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Das üppige Frühstücksbuffet des FREIgeist Hotels in Göttingen Nordstadt mit Obst, Gebäck und Säften
in Göttingen
Levantinische Speisen stehen mit einem Kaffee und einem Orangensaft auf einem Tisch im Hotel FREIgeist Göttingen Nordstadt

Levantine diversity in the morning

You can also enjoy the Italian and Levantine cuisine of East of Italy in the morning, thanks to our breakfast buffet. In addition to the classic must-haves like fresh rolls and bread, cold cuts, cheese, etc. – everything from local, regional partners, by the way – you will find antipasti, hummus, beetroot carpaccio and sweet baklava on the buffet. 

Teetassen, Lampe und Geschirr auf einem Tisch

Cozy breakfast-location

Whether on our terrace in the neighborhood or in the cozy restaurant, you can enjoy your breakfast in the warm ambiance of East of Italy on the ground floor of the hotel. By the way: you can order fresh shakshuka, hummus bread with poached egg or sweet pancakes from our à la carte menu in the morning.   


Eine kleine Pfanne mit einem Spiegelei und Gemüse darin
Zwei Pancakes mit Ahornsirup auf einem gelben Teller, dazu Feigen und eine Tasse Kaffee
Ein Sandwich mit Gemüse darauf, daneben ein Spiegelei in einer Pfanne

Times & Infos

Our breakfast buffet at FREIgeist Göttingen Nordstadt takes place daily on weekdays from 06.30 - 10.30 am. At the weekend half an hour later & for late risers even until 2.00 pm.

As a hotel or Homes guest you pay € 29.00 per person for the breakfast buffet, as a local visitor you pay € 35.00 per person. Please let our reception know so that we can reserve a table for you or book directly online via  

PRICE: For hotel & homes guests | € 29.00 p.p. incl. juice, water, hot drinks & à la carte dishes
            For local visitors | € 35.00 p.p. incl. juice, water, hot drinks & à la carte dishes

OPENING HOURS: Monday - Friday 06.30 am. - 10.30 am. | Saturday & Sunday 07.00 am. - 02.00 pm.

Kleine Schüsseln mit Gemüse, Obst und Dip beim Frühstücksbuffet des Hotel FREIgeist Göttingen Nordstadt

Dogs welcome

Your four-legged friend can also come to our restaurant for breakfast, because dogs are also welcome here. What better way to have breakfast than with the entire family? 

Organic Products 

Our breakfast buffet includes mostly organic food from partners from the region. You can find out which ones they are and where we get them from in the overview list.


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