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Blick von oben auf die Empfangshalle vom FREIgeist Einbeck, in der zwei Mofas an der Wand hängen
Hinter einer schwarzen Stehlampe hängt ein Bild mit zwei Autos an der orangenen Wand

Green FREIgeist

Protecting our planet is very important to us. Are you in? We focus on sustainability solutions wherever possible: in the GENUSSWERKSTATT restaurant, you can enjoy regional and seasonal products on the plate and in the glass. In your room, you'll regional items in the minibar, and a Bluetooth speaker made of recycled material. And on top of all that: we are climate neutral!

Our Sustainability Report

Vor dem FREIgeist Einbeck ist eine bunte Blumenwiese

Sustainablel Hotel

Being sustainable means that all emissions from our products and our business have been recorded and offset via recognized climate protection projects. Working with ClimatePartner , we calculated all CO2 emissions – from heating our hotel rooms, preparing our dishes in the restaurant, electricity consumption to the kilometers driven by our staff to the hotel.  We offset all unavoidable emissions through internationally recognized climate protection projects and began supporting clean wind energy in Brazil this year. 

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Guarantueed sustainability

Since July 2022 our hotels received the “Ensured Sustainability” label, an internationally recognized certificate awarded by the German Institute for Sustainability and Economics to companies standing out due to their cost-efficiency and efficient use of energy and materials, the cultivation of a positive working atmosphere as well as a focus on the use of regional and renewable or recyclable resources.

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DNK German Sustainability Code

The German Sustainability Code is a cross-industry standard for transparent reporting of corporate sustainability performance. It contains twenty criteria and selected quantifiable performance indicators according to international reporting standards GRI or EFFAS.

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Zwei Gerichte stehen auf einem Tisch im Restaurant Einbeck, der mit einem Blumenstrauß und einer Kerze dekoriert ist

Good food

We also focus on sustainability in our kitchen as much as possible: that's why you will always find seasonal products on our menu – directly from the region where possible. For example, we obtain game from the Hardenberg forest, eggs from the pastured chickens in Salzderhelden and milk and cheese from Jens Timmermann from Güntersen.

We are organic certified

We buy organic products and thus support the regional agriculture. For this we have been certified organic and guarantee that you will not only find fresh organic eggs from our regional partner Jörge Penk from Moringen, but also many other organic food products, such as milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt and much more. We obtain these in close and familiar relationships from local partners such as Naturkost Elkershausen from Göttingen.






Ein Junge mit schwarzem Langarmshirt steht mit verschränkten Armen in einem Raum und lächelt in die Kamera
Dame mit grüner Brille steht in einem Aufzug und stemmt ihre Hände an die Wände
Junger Mann lehnt mit verschränkten Armen an einer Betonwand und grinst in die Kamera
Mädchen mit Brille in karierter Bluse lacht in die Kamera und stützt sich mit dem Ellenbogen auf einem Geländer ab
Herr mit Hemd und Pullunder steht mit verschränkten Armen im Freien und schaut in die Ferne
Koch in weißer Kochjacke sitzt in der Küche auf einer Arbeitsfläche und schaut in Gedanken zur Seite


It is not only important to us that we treat our suppliers and producers fairly, but every one of the free spirits on ouralso all members of our FREIgeist team.
Our employees represent the true character of the hotel – whether colorful, loud, simple, pierced or tattooed, everyone gets to be themselves here. This is one of the reasons why we are a part of Fair JobHotels e.V.

Rechts neben einem Doppelbett im Design Hotel Hannover stehen zwei Stühle mit Armlehne

Green clean

When cleaning, we also rely on the use of microcleaner devices, which can clean and disinfect almost anything you can imagine with 180 degree hot steam. This saves our housekeeping staff from using different cleaners and dealing with chemical agents. 

Green Option

No towel change needed? Then avoid cleaning your room during your stay – and thus the consumption of cleaning agents, energy and resources.



Sustainable Conferences

Our FREIgeist Hotels offer ideal conditions for sustainable conferences. Thanks to the good connection to public transport and proximity to train stations, you can travel conveniently and environmentally friendly by train. On-site, you will sleep and conference in eco-friendly hotels that minimize their ecological footprint through the use of 100% green electricity, modern lighting concepts, and gastronomy that uses almost exclusively local products. Our conference rooms are equipped with the latest technology to ensure energy-efficient events. Together, we will make your conference sustainable and responsible.

Nahaufnahme von Büchern auf einem Holztisch, daneben ein orangefarbenes und ein grünes Trinkglas
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