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Ein Blick auf einen Tisch und farbige Stühle im Tagungsraum vom Design Hotel in Hannover

Your conference & event hotel in Einbeck

Have you seen too many run-of-the-mill venues? At the FREIgeist Einbeck, there are plenty of surprises waiting in the eight conference rooms that will let your creativity run wild. In the cozy lounge, you can discuss something in a relaxed atmosphere, on the roof terrace you can exchange ideas in the open air and if you need a little push, our "nerd tank" with inspiring books will certainly help.

Get in Touch
Plan your conference directly with our Meetingmachern
Mo-Fr 08.00 am. - 06.00 pm.: +49 (0) 551 30381750 or

Free space
to work
Ein großer runder Holztisch mit bunten Stühlen steht in recht leeren Raum mit Betonwänden und Bildern an der Wand

A total of six spaces from 49 to 85 m², 1 lounge and a bar garage are available for creative work. Take a little break with some reading material at the "nerd tank", and find some funny notes at our "sticky note station" – or maybe leave one yourself.   

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Langer Konferenztisch als Projektor in einem Konferenzraum

Here you can choose from a wide variety of settings for your meeting: If you are a large group, you book one or more of our eight conference rooms, explore new ideas in our cozy lounge, and our bar garage and the roof terrace offer new perspectives for small teamwork groups. 

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Party &
Ein langer Holztisch für 14 Personen steht in einem Raum, der industriell eingerichtet ist und an dessen Wand Fahrradreifen hängen

Free space for free-spirited events - with us you can celebrate quite exuberantly & leave the work to us. 
Whether it's a company party, birthday or family reunion; our team will create unforgettable moments to remember with you. 

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In einem Veranstaltungsraum in der Hochzeitslocation in Hannover stehen zwei festlich eingedeckte Tische und im Hintergrund sieht man eine alte Tanksäule neben einer Cocktailbar

In love down to the smallest detail - for your wedding celebration with us at FREIgeist Einbeck we plan & organize everything from A as in aperitif to Z as in cotton candy, what you wish for the most beautiful day in your life. 

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Christmas Party

We show you our locations for your relaxed Christmas party in a free-spirited ambience. Celebrate with colleagues, friends & family, have fun and enjoy being together.

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